You, kind readers, may have noticed that I have not recently posted here about riding. ...or maybe you haven't noticed.
I am still alive and kicking, just working a lot instead of riding around the countryside on two wheels. That is overall a good thing, because, after all, work provides the means for the play of motorcycling. (Oh, oh, I forgot, I bought the motorcycle purely for the cost saving, right?)
Anyway, it occurred to me that it is a bit difficult to find postings because Blogger does not allow a listing of keywords in the template I use to format the pages.
Below are keywords I have used, along with the number of occurrences so far.
You can enter these words into the search box in the upper left corner of the page and clicking on the magnifying glass icon. Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't always find all of the incidences of the word, and multiple words are not well handled.
Instead, you can use Google search by going to this webpage and entering in any desired search term -- not limited to those listed below -- after " " in the box at the top of the page that comes up.
- 650R (10)
- Abbeville (1)
- accident (4)
- AGV (1)
- alarm (2)
- armor (1)
- ATGATT (7)
- Basic Riders Class (6)
- bicycle (3)
- Blue Ridge Parkway (8)
- boots (1)
- Brevard (1)
- bridge (7)
- Briggs and Stratton (1)
- Caesers Head (5)
- camera (2)
- Carolina FaithRiders (1)
- cars (2)
- charity (1)
- Cherokee Foothills National Scenic Highway (5)
- clothing (3)
- cold (6)
- Collins Ole Town (1)
- Cycle Gear (4)
- DOT (1)
- Dualsport (5)
- eats (2)
- engine (1)
- engineering (6)
- first motorcycle (4)
- freedom (9)
- friend (2)
- Georgia (5)
- gloves (3)
- GPS (5)
- gravel (12)
- group (1)
- harangue (7)
- helmet (3)
- Hendersonville (3)
- historic site (20)
- holiday (6)
- Holly Springs (5)
- humor (1)
- in-line skate (1)
- instruction (5)
- irresponsible (1)
- Issaqueena Falls (1)
- Juggernaut (2)
- Kawasaki (8)
- Keowee-Toxiway (1)
- leather suit (9)
- leathers (6)
- Lee Parks (1)
- mini bike (2)
- model (1)
- model 6 (1)
- motorcycle (39)
- Motorcycle Safety Foundation (4)
- MSF (6)
- mural (3)
- museum (6)
- music (2)
- Niagara Falls (1)
- Ninja (9)
- Ninja 650R (11)
- North Carolina (23)
- Oconee Heritage Center (1)
- Oconee State Park (1)
- odd sights (5)
- park (11)
- patriotism (13)
- peanuts (1)
- people (5)
- photo (1)
- photography (3)
- politics (5)
- protective gear (6)
- Pumpkin Festival (1)
- Pumpkintown (2)
- Pumpkintown Mountain Oldtime Barbeque Show (1)
- railroad (9)
- rally (4)
- religion (12)
- river (1)
- road rash (3)
- Rosman (3)
- safety (2)
- Saluda (3)
- Saluda Grade (2)
- Sassafras Mountain (2)
- SC-11 (5)
- SC-178 (8)
- science (1)
- Scorpio (1)
- service (2)
- silver dollar (1)
- snow (4)
- South Carolina (24)
- sports (1)
- SR-i500 (1)
- Steak House Cafeteria (1)
- Stumphouse Tunnel (1)
- Table Rock (3)
- Tag Game (4)
- Tech Tip (5)
- technique (5)
- ten-speed (1)
- Total Control (2)
- training (8)
- travel (7)
- tumble (4)
- turtle (1)
- Urban Exploration (2)
- VelocityGear (2)
- Walhalla (1)
- waterfall (7)
- weather (1)
- Whitewater Falls (3)
- Wigington Byway (1)
- winter (5)
So, until I get back riding and writing, maybe this will entertain you.
See you soon on the road, I hope!
