One of the most prominent sights near where I live is Table Rock. I have written about it several times, including here, and here. You can see if from miles away. Here is a view of the Rock taken from 15 miles away as the crow flies, on a recent winter day.
It is that bare rock to the right of the highest peak.
But because it is so easy to get to, and because it is so attractive, I go there, or go past there, often. I have taken snapshots from several vantage points, but a couple of weeks ago, I stopped along a different road to get another one.
I wandered up Carrick Creek Road and found that the view was quite nice, and the sky was beautiful that day.
While I was stopped, these guys (gals?? Hey, I'm a city boy. OK? ...and they were a fair way off.) were paying attention to their lunch nearby.
In the park, these are views over Pinnacle Lake.
Now, this is a great photograph, taken by Fred, a work associate. My snapshots pale in comparison.
By the way, also along Carrick Creek Road is this waterfall. It is on private land, so you can't go down to it, and it is usually rather anemic, but with some recent rains, it has become much fuller. There is a place to stop on the road overlooking the falls -- at Pushpin A on the map below.
By the way, if you are adventuresome, enlarge the map above and look for the foot trails leading up to the top of Table Rock and Pinnacle Mountain Trail.
Next time you go past this landmark, take a few extra minutes to really enjoy the views.
