Know where there are some great ride routes?
In the state of Arkansas.
How do I know this, you ask?
I went there on some scenic and twisty roads that rival those around where I live in the upstate of South Carolina, northeastern Georgia, and western North Carolina.
One pretty place:
There are so many routes, that I don't know where to start, so I refer you to a booklet that I picked up to show you.
You can get it from the Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism.
It contains twenty-one road routes and five dualsport routes, spread all over the state.
It gives the route specifics, mileage, and points of interest along the way.
Just so you know, the center of the state, the capitol Little Rock, is about 650 miles from Easley, SC where I live, so it is a bit of a jaunt to get there in the first place. ...but it seems well worth the effort.
Here is another guide, containing seven routes, that a concentrates on the area around Eureka Springs in the northwest corner of the state.
This one comes from the Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce, or here.
And, here is still another that centers on Harrison Arkansas, also in the northwest corner. It covers the Ozarks and a little of Missouri to the north, with seven routes.
You can get it from the Harrison Convention & Visitors Bureau.
And as long as we have slipped into Missouri, here is their state motorcycle road guide, containing twenty routes.
Available here.
I think these routes are something to remember for that future getaway you have been planning.
And now I have a confession to make.
I didn't ride to Arkansas. I didn't even trailer my bike there and ride. We were in the cage camping again with our old Apache tent trailer. You remember what it looks like:
Nevertheless, these ride routes are something to keep in mind if you head over there.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Turkey Day!
Turkey Day is upon us, a day to eat turkey and all the fixin's,
watch the games on TV,
and maybe go out for a ride while everyone else naps after dinner!
But there is one thing we all ought to do before we carve that turkey -- or that curvey road.
We ought to thank God for this wonderful country we have been given.
Turkey Day is upon us, a day to eat turkey and all the fixin's,
watch the games on TV,
and maybe go out for a ride while everyone else naps after dinner!
But there is one thing we all ought to do before we carve that turkey -- or that curvey road.
We ought to thank God for this wonderful country we have been given.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Say Thanks to a Vet Today
History of Veterans Day
(from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”
In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:
Later that same year, on October 8th, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first "Veterans Day Proclamation" which stated: "In order to insure proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all veterans, all veterans' organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose. Toward this end, I am designating the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs as Chairman of a Veterans Day National Committee, which shall include such other persons as the Chairman may select, and which will coordinate at the national level necessary planning for the observance. I am also requesting the heads of all departments and agencies of the Executive branch of the Government to assist the National Committee in every way possible."
On that same day, President Eisenhower sent a letter to the Honorable Harvey V. Higley, Administrator of Veterans' Affairs (VA), designating him as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee.
In 1958, the White House advised VA's General Counsel that the 1954 designation of the VA Administrator as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee applied to all subsequent VA Administrators. Since March 1989 when VA was elevated to a cabinet level department, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has served as the committee's chairman.
The Uniform Holiday Bill (Public Law 90-363 (82 Stat. 250)) was signed on June 28, 1968, and was intended to ensure three-day weekends for Federal employees by celebrating four national holidays on Mondays: Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Columbus Day. It was thought that these extended weekends would encourage travel, recreational and cultural activities and stimulate greater industrial and commercial production. Many states did not agree with this decision and continued to celebrate the holidays on their original dates.
The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on October 25, 1971. It was quite apparent that the commemoration of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance to a great number of our citizens, and so on September 20th, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed Public Law 94-97 (89 Stat. 479), which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of November 11, beginning in 1978. This action supported the desires of the overwhelming majority of state legislatures, all major veterans service organizations and the American people.
Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
If you see a veteran, take a minute to thank him for his service, and for his helping preserve our freedom.
History of Veterans Day
(from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”

of the 353rd Infantry near a church at Stenay, Meuse in France, wait
for the end of hostilities. This photo was taken at 10:58 a.m., on
November 11, 1918, two minutes before the armistice ending World War I
went into effect
In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:
Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, andAn Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day." Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954, after World War II had required the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen in the Nation’s history; after American forces had fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice" and inserting in its place the word "Veterans." With the approval of this legislation (Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.
Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
Later that same year, on October 8th, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first "Veterans Day Proclamation" which stated: "In order to insure proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all veterans, all veterans' organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose. Toward this end, I am designating the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs as Chairman of a Veterans Day National Committee, which shall include such other persons as the Chairman may select, and which will coordinate at the national level necessary planning for the observance. I am also requesting the heads of all departments and agencies of the Executive branch of the Government to assist the National Committee in every way possible."

Eisenhower signing HR7786, changing Armistice Day to Veterans Day.
From left: Alvin J. King, Wayne Richards, Arthur J. Connell, John T.
Nation, Edward Rees, Richard L. Trombla, Howard W. Watts
On that same day, President Eisenhower sent a letter to the Honorable Harvey V. Higley, Administrator of Veterans' Affairs (VA), designating him as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee.
In 1958, the White House advised VA's General Counsel that the 1954 designation of the VA Administrator as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee applied to all subsequent VA Administrators. Since March 1989 when VA was elevated to a cabinet level department, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has served as the committee's chairman.
The Uniform Holiday Bill (Public Law 90-363 (82 Stat. 250)) was signed on June 28, 1968, and was intended to ensure three-day weekends for Federal employees by celebrating four national holidays on Mondays: Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Columbus Day. It was thought that these extended weekends would encourage travel, recreational and cultural activities and stimulate greater industrial and commercial production. Many states did not agree with this decision and continued to celebrate the holidays on their original dates.
The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on October 25, 1971. It was quite apparent that the commemoration of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance to a great number of our citizens, and so on September 20th, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed Public Law 94-97 (89 Stat. 479), which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of November 11, beginning in 1978. This action supported the desires of the overwhelming majority of state legislatures, all major veterans service organizations and the American people.
Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
If you see a veteran, take a minute to thank him for his service, and for his helping preserve our freedom.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Get Ready for the Best Fall Colors on the Blue Ridge Parkway
A couple of weeks ago, I took a day and rode up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. As you know, it is one of my favorite places to ride, being only 55 miles from home at its closest point. Here is my report of the scenery. Look at the end of the post for my guess on the best time to visit for fall colors.
I ride up US-178 to Rosman, NC, then further north on NC-215 to the Parkway entrance. The sun dapples on the pavement and riding into the sun in places make it difficult to judge the curves and road surface, so I take it easy. Once the sun rises a bit, that problem will go away, though by that time, I will be on the Parkway.
I turn south toward Cherokee, NC. Since it is early in the day, it
is cold -- about 45 degrees, so I am bundled up and have the heated
grips turned up to high. I move along at the speed limit of 45 for most
of the way. Going in a generally south and western direction means
that the blinding sun is behind me -- a good thing.
I pass the highest point on the Parkway, then go in several more miles and turn to go up to the parking lot at Waterrock Knob. I take in the view and the colors here.
I continue on the Parkway and discover a spur that I don't know about. It is at milepost 458, about 13 miles from the south end of the Parkway, and leads to an entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. That paved road goes to the Heintooga Overlook. I found out later, and I wish I had know about it when I was there. Consequently, I didn't go that far. (See the maps later on.)
I turn back to the main Parkway road and continue toward Cherokee. I turn right at the end of the Parkway, just to see what's there. Great Smoky Mountains National Park starts there. It is only about 34 miles to Gatlinburg, NC, that haven of tourist traps. That's the direction my new friend Robert took a few months ago on his epic journey.
I don't want to get into that much traffic, so I turn back toward the town of Cherokee. I fuel up, in the too-busy town, then hurry back to the relative calm of the Parkway.
This time, I go further than NC-215 where I first entered. I continue on, past Mt. Pisgah, where there is a good restaurant and hotel. Further still, I reach the outskirts of Asheville, NC, and route NC-191. There, I leave the Parkway and take I-26 and US-25 back home. It is fast to come back that way, but the concrete joints are a punishment to my back.
All together I have ridden 270 miles today. Although the leaf colors are not at their peak, the ride is still beautiful and this is still my favorite road.
Here are some individual maps, and an interactive map of the trip from Pickens, SC to Cherokee, NC, about 89 miles.
Here are some more individual maps, and an interactive map of the trip from Cherokee, NC: to Asheville, NC, about 77 miles.
By the way, to answer your question about when is the best time to see the colors. Well, I'm guessing that the best time to visit the Parkway for fall colors is
An Alternative Destination in the Same Neighborhood:
A close-by attraction I could have gone to instead is in Maggie Valley. The Wheels Through Time motorcycle museum. Highly recommended.
A couple of weeks ago, I took a day and rode up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. As you know, it is one of my favorite places to ride, being only 55 miles from home at its closest point. Here is my report of the scenery. Look at the end of the post for my guess on the best time to visit for fall colors.
I ride up US-178 to Rosman, NC, then further north on NC-215 to the Parkway entrance. The sun dapples on the pavement and riding into the sun in places make it difficult to judge the curves and road surface, so I take it easy. Once the sun rises a bit, that problem will go away, though by that time, I will be on the Parkway.
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Almost to the Parkway entrance on NC-215. That's Bucky and his GoPro in the bottom, left. |
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The Parkway entrance is just beyond that overpass. |
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Yes! |
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I follow these two guys for a while. |
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Hello there. |
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Some reds are showing amongst the yellow and green. |
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You have to be careful of bicycles in the tunnels. |
I pass the highest point on the Parkway, then go in several more miles and turn to go up to the parking lot at Waterrock Knob. I take in the view and the colors here.
A nice mixture of colors -- about the best along here so far. |
Also pretty. |
I continue on the Parkway and discover a spur that I don't know about. It is at milepost 458, about 13 miles from the south end of the Parkway, and leads to an entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. That paved road goes to the Heintooga Overlook. I found out later, and I wish I had know about it when I was there. Consequently, I didn't go that far. (See the maps later on.)
Heintooga Overlook.
The road is also known as Heintooga Ridge Road, and there are quite a few hiking trails off this spur.
one-lane unpaved Heintooga Round Bottom Road begins there. Heintooga
Ridge and Balsam Mountain Roads are usually open from late May through
October. - See more at:
one-lane unpaved Heintooga Round Bottom Road begins there. Heintooga
Ridge and Balsam Mountain Roads are usually open from late May through
October. - See more at:
The road continues from the overlook as Heintooga Roundbottom Road, 14 miles to Cherokee, NC. It is one way and is dirt and gravel. Here is a link to some overlook and road info. I turn back to the main Parkway road and continue toward Cherokee. I turn right at the end of the Parkway, just to see what's there. Great Smoky Mountains National Park starts there. It is only about 34 miles to Gatlinburg, NC, that haven of tourist traps. That's the direction my new friend Robert took a few months ago on his epic journey.
I don't want to get into that much traffic, so I turn back toward the town of Cherokee. I fuel up, in the too-busy town, then hurry back to the relative calm of the Parkway.
This time, I go further than NC-215 where I first entered. I continue on, past Mt. Pisgah, where there is a good restaurant and hotel. Further still, I reach the outskirts of Asheville, NC, and route NC-191. There, I leave the Parkway and take I-26 and US-25 back home. It is fast to come back that way, but the concrete joints are a punishment to my back.
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There's my turn. |
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Too many uneven slab joints on I-26! |
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And too much traffic. |
Here are some individual maps, and an interactive map of the trip from Pickens, SC to Cherokee, NC, about 89 miles.
- Pushpin A - Pickens SC
- Pushpin B - Rosman, NC
- Pushpin C - Parkway entrance from NC-215
- Pushpin D - Waterrock Knob
- Pushpin E - Entrance to Heintooga Ridge Road
- Pushpin F - South end of the Parkway
Here are some more individual maps, and an interactive map of the trip from Cherokee, NC: to Asheville, NC, about 77 miles.
- Pushpin A - South end of the Parkway
- Pushpin B - Entrance to Heintooga Ridge Road
- Pushpin C - Waterrock Knob
- Pushpin D - Parkway entrance from NC-215
- Pushpin E - Pisgah Inn
- Pushpin F - Entrance to Parkway at NC-191
So get moving, or you'll miss it!
An Alternative Destination in the Same Neighborhood:
A close-by attraction I could have gone to instead is in Maggie Valley. The Wheels Through Time motorcycle museum. Highly recommended.
Blue Ridge Parkway,
Great Ride Route,
North Carolina,
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