Tuesday, September 11, 2018

We Must NEVER Forget 911

We must never forget what Islamist terrorists
did to us in 2001.  

Think it was just isolated to 9/11/2001?  

It was not.  We are still in danger from these people.  

 Here is a page that shows all of the 104 terrorist attacks and threats since 9/11.  
Note that this page has not been updated, except for the graphic that looks like this: 

Scroll to the right in the graphic in the link above to see each specific incident.  

 "This graphic does not include activities that are merely linked to terrorism, such as traveling abroad to join a terrorist organization.  Each plot requires some threat directed at the U.S. homeland. Additionally, to be included, the primary motivation of the terror plot or attack must be a radical Islamist ideology, which supports the use of violence as a means to achieve the long-run objective of imposing Islamic law."  

All attacks were committed by Islamist terrorists.  

If you have forgotten the devastation on our own soil of the 9/11 attacks, look here for a short review.   The blood shed by over 3000 people is not visible in the photos. 

NOT ONE of the five masterminds of the 9/11 attack have been brought to justice, some 17 years later!  

We must stand strong against these terrorists and our sympathetic politicians forever and always, lest the freedom of this greatest country on earth be lost forever. 