The weather in South Carolina has been mild for the most part this winter. Riding a motorcycle here is quite the treat, since you can ride almost all year long. The roads are not in great condition, thanks to our politicians' graft and corruption, but the climate is just about ideal.
The scenery is nice too. We live in the Piedmont -- which means the foot of the mountain; the Blue Ridge Escarpment -- so there are some nice hills and twisty roads winding through them.
In the fall, I took a short ride up to Whitewater Falls in the Jocassee Gorge area, just into North Carolina on SC-130. It is one of my favorite destinations, as you can tell if you have followed this blog for any time at all. The roads are good, the curves are somewhat challenging, and the falls are picturesque.
The pictures along the road show the fall colors well. Those colors were to be gone just a few days afterward, and they will not return again for several months.
Here are some highlights.
This fellow coming the other way reached our so far that I almost could have touched him if I had been a little further to the left in my lane.
He seemed particularly enthusiastic about his ride that day. It was an ideal time to be out on two wheels.
Since that ride of just over a hundred miles back in early November, those leaves have fallen, but the temperatures have been very warm on many days -- sometimes into the mid 60s! I have ridden quite a bit since then.
Unfortunately, there has been a great deal of rain in January and early February, and now the temperatures have taken a dramatic turn downward.
Take a look at today.
We don't often get snow, but it is now 32 degrees and the low is to be about 28 tonight.
No riding for a few days, I'm afraid.